Repeat Prescriptions

Please follow the guidelines and choose the right option for you.

We do not accept repeat prescription requests over the phone.


Ordering a Repeat Prescription

You can request prescriptions in 3 ways:

  1. Online 
  2. Via your chosen Pharmacy
  3. Using your ticked medication slip posted into the letter box at Cockenzie Surgery

In most circumstances, your repeat prescription request will be available for collection from the pharmacy within 5 days. Your pharmacy will let you know of any supply issues or stock shortages.

Special Request Prescriptions

Any prescription requests which are not on your repeat prescription list may take up to 7 days to process. Each prescription has to be approved and generated by the doctor you are dealing with, so please be patient and give us plenty of time to process these requests.

Medication Reviews

If you are on repeat prescriptions you will periodically be asked to review these medications with a doctor, practice pharmacist or practice nurse. A medication review notification should appear on your repeat slip, or we will let the pharmacist know. This is to keep you safe and make sure this remains the right medication for you.

Serial Prescriptions

If you are on long-term regular medicines you can now have a long-term prescription issued which lasts for up to a year at a time. This is known as a serial prescription.

What this means to you:

  • You will no longer need to order your regular medicines from the GP practice.
  • The prescription that has been sent to your regular pharmacy lasts for 48 weeks.
  • Your pharmacy will hold the prescription and issue you with a supply every 8 weeks.
  • Each time you collect your prescription your pharmacy will tell you when your next supply will be ready for you. 

If you have any medicines which are used on an occasional basis such as inhalers, or medicines which are not on your repeat list, you should speak to the pharmacist when picking up your medication.

If you are called in to have aspects of your treatment reviewed such as annual diabetic reviews or blood tests, you should make an appointment to attend for these as usual.

If you have any queries about this change, please contact the practice or your community pharmacist.